4×3×6 Medium Motor w/ 20-Studs (w/ Rot.) (Part 26913)


This part was retired when they stopped selling #17101 BOOST Creative Toolbox in 2022.

Want to get organized?
A label for this part is included in my LEGO Brick Labels collection.

External Links

LEGO parts are described differently on other websites and may use different part numbers.

LEGO Pick a Brick:
26913 LPF2 TACHO MOTOR 4X6X3, NO. 1
bb0893c01 Electric, Motor Boost Interactive
26913 Motor, Medium Linear, Powered Up 4 x 6 x 3
26913 LPF2 TACHO MOTOR 4X6X3, NO. 1
26913 Electric Power Functions 2.0 Boost Interactive Motor

Ranking based on buying one copy of every LEGO set ever produced, counting the number of sets containing each part, then sorting all of the pieces by part and color.

Overall Rank is a weighted score combining the number of parts, sets, and colors produced.

Year-over-year comparisons versus 2018-2022. (2024 not included because too few sets have been released and inventoried at this time.)

Date Added: 2024-02-21 12:00:00