Minifigure Legs, Normal Length (Part 73200)


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LEGO Pick a Brick:
21019 MINI LOWER PART NO. 2 140/106
970c00 Hips and Legs Plain
970c01 Hips and Yellow Legs
970c02 Hips and Light Nougat Legs
970c03 Hips and Black Legs
970c04 Hips and Dark Azure Legs
970c05 Hips and Dark Blue Legs
970c06 Hips and Bright Green Legs
970c07 Hips and Dark Brown Legs
970c08 Hips and Dark Gray Legs
970c09 Hips and Dark Purple Legs
970c10 Hips and Dark Red Legs
970c11 Hips and Dark Tan Legs
970c12 Hips and Dark Bluish Gray Legs
970c13 Hips and Nougat Legs
970c14 Hips and Light Bluish Gray Legs
970c15 Hips and Light Aqua Legs
970c16 Hips and Brown Legs
970c17 Hips and Light Gray Legs
970c18 Hips and Lime Legs
970c19 Hips and Reddish Brown Legs
970c20 Hips and Olive Green Legs
970c21 Hips and Pearl Gold Legs
970c22 Hips and Red Legs
970c23 Hips and Medium Nougat Legs
970c24 Hips and Sand Blue Legs
970c25 Hips and Sand Green Legs
970c26 Hips and Tan Legs
970c27 Hips and White Legs
970c28 Hips and Blue Legs
970c29 Hips and Bright Light Blue Legs
970c30 Hips and Flat Silver Legs
970c31 Hips and Green Legs
970c32 Hips and Medium Blue Legs
970c33 Hips and Medium Lavender Legs
970c34 Hips and Orange Legs
970c35 Hips and Dark Green Legs
970c36 Hips and Dark Pink Legs
970c37 Hips and Magenta Legs
970c38 Hips and Bright Light Orange Legs
970c39 Hips and Lavender Legs
970c40 Hips and Yellowish Green Legs
970c41 Hips and Dark Orange Legs
970c42 Hips and Medium Azure Legs
970c43 Hips and Bright Pink Legs
970c44 Hips and Bright Light Yellow Legs
970c45 Hips and Sand Red Legs
970c46 Hips and Dark Turquoise Legs
970c48 Hips and Chrome Gold Legs
970c49 Hips and Sand Purple Legs
970c50 Hips and Chrome Silver Legs
970c51 Hips and Chrome Black Legs
970c54 Hips and Sky Blue Legs
970c55 Hips and Purple Legs
970c56 Hips and Pearl Light Gold Legs
970c57 Hips and Violet Legs
970c59 Hips and Medium Orange Legs
970c60 Hips and Coral Legs
970c61 Hips and Glow In The Dark White Legs
970c62 Hips and Light Purple Legs
970c64 Hips and Trans-Dark Pink Legs
970c65 Hips and Trans-Light Blue Legs
970c66 Hips and Trans-Orange Legs
970c67 Hips and Trans-Red Legs
970c68 Hips and Trans-Yellow Legs
970c71 Hips and Pink Legs
970c72 Hips and Trans-Neon Green Legs
970c75 Hips and Pearl Titanium Legs [Plain]
21019 MINI LOWER PART NO. 2 140/106
73200b-f1 Minifig Hips and Legs (Standing)

Ranking based on buying one copy of every LEGO set, counting the number of sets containing each part, then sorting by part and color.

Overall Rank is a weighted score combining the number of parts, sets, and colors produced.

Current ranking based on sets released between 2019-2023. (2024 not included because too few sets have been released and inventoried at this time.)

Date Added: 2024-02-21 12:00:00