7. Clip (107 parts)

Clips can attach to other parts in this category such as a bar, handle, or lightsaber blade.

Clips were introduced in 1978 because they are the same connection type as the hands of the LEGO Minifigure which debuted in that year. This is when we began seeing parts with a 2.4mm diameter handle, as well as minifig accessories (which you will find in another category).

A bar (or lightsaber) can be inserted into parts with a hollow stud. That's because the hole in a hollow stud has the same 2.4mm diameter.


7. Clip (107 parts)


A cylindrical part that can be grabbed with a clip or inserted into a hollow stud.


A c-shaped part which can firmly grasp a bar or handle.


A handle is a bar element that is closed on one or both ends.


Flexible elements that can be grabbed by a clip or minifigure hand.

Flexible / Flex Axles

While the middle of this part has the x-shaped profile of a Technic Axle, the bar connection on either end is used to attach this to other LEGO parts.


Most flags attach to a bar or handle with one or more clip.


A few doors use a bar and clip system.

Ladder & Railing

Ladders and railings that have the right diameter for a clip to attach to them.