Curved (55 parts)

These parts are curved on a single vertical axis.

They look like part of a circle or ellipse when viewed from the side.

Curved (55 parts)

1Ø Curved

A collection of (Double) Curves with a 1-stud diameter when viewed from the side.

2×⅔ Curved

Parts that have a curve that goes up 2/3 of a brick in the distance of 2-studs.

3×1 Curve

Parts that have a curve that goes up the height of one brick in the distance of 3-studs.

4×1 Curve

Parts that have a curve that goes up the height of one brick in the distance of 4-studs.

8×1 Curved

Parts that have a curve that goes up the height of one brick in the distance of 8-studs.

1×1 Curved

Parts that have a curve that goes up the height of one brick in the distance of 1-stud.

2×2 Curved

Parts that have a curve that goes up the height of 2-bricks in the distance of 2-studs.

Inverted Curve

Parts with a curve along the bottom edge.

Other Curved

Curved parts with a different radius, or other less common attributes.

Curved Panel

Panel elements that are curved.