14. DUPLO (71 parts)

The larger bricks for younger kids are twice as big in each direction and compatible with regular LEGO bricks

You can attach a standard LEGO 2×2 or 2×4 brick on top of a DUPLO brick. This allows you to create large models using DUPLO bricks for the core, with standard LEGO bricks covering them up.

Remember, twice as big in each dimension results in a brick that is 8-times as large by volume.

If that's not big enough, there's also the discontinued QUATRO line, which is 4-times the width of a LEGO brick (or 64-times the volume).


14. DUPLO (71 parts)
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DUPLO bricks are twice as large in all three dimensions than a comparable LEGO brick.


A DUPLO plate is just ½ the height of a DUPLO brick, which makes it the same height as a LEGO Brick.


DUPLO parts come in a couple of different angles.


DUPLO includes a small selection of curved elements to build more interesting models.

Ball Tube

These parts are typically found in DUPLO Education sets such as #45026 Tubes.


Other DUPLO parts that do not fit well anywhere else.