Displaying and Storing LEGO Models

In addition to storing your LEGO bricks, many LEGO builders like to have their favorite official LEGO sets or proudest custom LEGO creations on display. When you run out of space, you can always disassemble your models and add the bricks to your growing collection.


Around the house

At work

Many workplaces allow employees to decorate their work space with personal items. A LEGO set makes a great conversation starter; some of the high end Technic and LEGO Architecture sets have a professional look that people might not realize right away are made out of LEGO.

Glass Display Case

Storage when not on display

If you decide to keep the model separate, most people store completed models in a large plastic bag. Do note that the “clutch power” of your bricks will deteriorate when a model remains assembled for a long period of time. For this reason, it is a good idea to completely disassemble a model if it will be in storage for a long time.

Dust removal

If your models aren’t in a sealed glass display case, you will find that they get dusty pretty quickly, and dust can be really hard to remove from your models. Here are the best options to remove dust…

Displaying and Storing LEGO Minifigures

Collecting Minifigures has been a popular part of the LEGO hobby for years, especially after the introduction of the Collectible Minifigures line in 2010. Finding the best way to store or display your growing LEGO Minifigure collection is a challenge for many LEGO enthusiasts. Players of the LEGO Dimensions video game are well aware of this challenge, as there are numerous Minifigures and tiny vehicles you can purchase to expand your gameplay options.

Display cabinets

Storage Trays

Several storage trays are a good fit for LEGO Minifigures.

Plastic Bags

If you have a lot of minifigures, you might want to store each one in a separate bag. This protects minifigures from damage, especially to the printed areas of the face, legs or Torso, as the painted section is less durable than an un-printed LEGO brick.

LEGO Dimensions

While I no longer play the LEGO Dimensions game, here are a few of the most popular storage options. Since you need to access your characters while playing the game, it’s important that you can quickly access your figures at any time.

Storing LEGO Books, Magazines, and Instructions

While LEGO bricks are the first thing people think about when it comes to LEGO storage, many LEGO collections include a variety of books, magazines, and building instructions. An efficient storage solution saves space and prevents you from damaging or losing these materials.


Binders w/ Sleeves

Magazine Holders

File Cabinet