Interview: Geeking out with the LEGO Masters
Brick Architect asks the LEGO Masters contestants about some of our favorite topics: LEGO storage, favorite parts and colors, how scale impacts their creations, and their dream project.
Boone Langston
Mark & Boone appear on the show as ‘The Bearded Builders’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Boone: Most of my parts are sorted into Sterilite shoe box size containers, Sterilite stacking drawers, or small plastic deli meat containers. My first level of sorting is by general element type, then by broad color families, then specific special categories are separate. For instance, all of my unprinted tiles are currently in one bin and my printed tiles are in a small container. Standard Bricks are in two drawers separated with colors in one and grayscale in the other. Most element type categories are separated in this way, with the exception of specific colors like gold, sand green, bright light orange, etcetera.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Boone: Most of my custom creations and sets are displayed in my studio (a converted two-car garage) or stored in bins for taking to the next convention. The one set displayed inside my house is the #21317 LEGO IDEAS Steamboat Willie set, as we are a family of Disney fans. From time to time, my daughters will take it down to play with the Mickey and Minnie on the boat.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Boone: My favorite colors are 151Sand Green and 191Flame Yellowish OrangeBright Light Orange. One of the reasons I like these colors is that they were hard to find when I first started building my parts library, so it was exciting to come across them. They are also major colors in the uniform of the Retro Spaceman minifigure from Series 17 CMF, a minifigure that became my favorite of all time upon its release, replacing the original pirate captain, which had been my favorite since 1989.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Boone: I love the 2×6 plate with Technic holes. I feel it serves so many purposes and allows axles and bars to pass vertically through structures. I also love the 1×2 hinge brick; it was my favorite part as a child as I had a lot of fun using it to give angles and movement to my custom creations.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Boone: I like to build models for figures that are different sizes to Minifigures such as Technic figures, constraction figures, Duplo figures, Duplo dolls, etc. I find it fun to build for the larger scale figures, as the standard library essentially becomes smaller by comparison allowing the capture of increased detail.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Boone: Someday, I would love to build a walkthrough experiential exhibit that looks and feels like the inside of some type of spacecraft. In my imagination, people could flip switches or turn dials to make things light up or to trigger other interactive elements. I’d really like it to be large enough to completely obscure the outside world to the visitors inside.
You can find Boone Langston at (Also on YouTube at Boone Builds, on instagram @boonebuilds, & Twitter @BooneLangston)
Jermaine Gardner
Mel & Jermaine appear on the show as the ‘East Coast Bricksters’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Jermaine: I use these little adjustable tackle boxes I buy at Walmart, for my most used pieces. Anything else, I keep in gallon sized plastic zip bags. I sort my pieces first by type, then color. For example, I have an entire tackle box of cheese slopes sorted by solid colors, then a section with all the translucent, then 1×2 slopes and other similar pieces. I have some pictures of this on my instagram.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Jermaine: I currently have over 130 Lego Transformers on display in a book shelf in my living room, with an additional 70 on the way! I have a wearable life-sized Black Panther helmet. I also have a model of the Thunder Cats lair. My favorite would obviously be my army of Transformers!
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Jermaine: Well, my favorite color is purple so I naturally gravitate towards the 268Medium LilacDark Purple LEGO! Aside from that, it’s extremely difficult to pick a favorite just based on the color pallete LEGO supplies. They’re all beautifully executed and bring so much joy to my heart to see organized!
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Jermaine: I can’t get enough of the mixel ball joints!!!! Sadly my most favorite piece is no longer in production, which is the 1×1 round plate with ball joint (maxi-fig hand part 3614b). This is the most versatile piece ever created and is incredibly helpful when engineering durable models that change from one thing into another. Play-ability is KEY!
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Jermaine: I love to build small intricate models because it’s just more affordable to make. My goal is to inspire people around the world to build something cool. I can’t do that with large intimidating models. My MOCs draw people in to say “hey, maybe I can do that with the pieces I have” and that’s the moment that starts the journey for the future greatest Lego builders!
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
You can find Jermaine Gardner at (Also on Instagram @bxbrix1, Facebook @BxBrix, & @BxBrix1)
Amie Dansby
Amie & Krystle appear on the show as ‘The Unicorns’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Amie: For small parts I’ll use plastic Arko-Mils drawers and [sometimes] glue a piece of the actual brick to the outside of the drawer. I also use Sortimo storage system drawers, by size and color.
Technic pieces are all completely sorted by piece/size and color in this case. I use these organizer racks from Uline, with bins that have lids so all the parts don’t get dusty.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Amie: I have an entire wall of 180 base plates that I’ve hooked up electronics with conductive paint so when you tap the bricks on the way they make interactive sounds. (See on YouTube.)
I’m a huge set collector, Monster Fighter, Indiana Jones, Lego Steven Spielberg Moviemaker Set, Pirates sets, scooby doo, elves sets, Ideas Ship in a Bottle is one of my favorites on display, and Star Wars sets (though I have to admit I stopped buying Star Wars sets lately, too many grey and black pieces).
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Amie: 113Transparent Medium Reddish VioletTrans-Dark Pink. The trans pieces add so much life to build and they are great if you’re planning on adding some LEDs to your build.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Amie: Ohhhh does LEGO Mindstorms count as a “part”, it’s more the brains of the operations. I love that you can program and do so much with this mini computer 🙂.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Amie: Minifigure is what I typically build, really it’s about time and the bricks I have available. I also tend to use LEGO for moc up and prototypes to engineers techniques and for wearable costume pieces. I’m a big believer of using things for their unintended purposes, and building with LEGO is no exception, not everything has to be built on a table, I love challenging myself to build complete cosplay costumes with interactive mindstorm pieces. (See my cosplay wings on YouTube.)
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Amie: An interactive life size scene like the captain’s bridge from Star Trek.
You can find Amie Danielle Dansby at (also on Instagram @amiedoubled, & Twitter @amiedoubleD.)
Manny Garcia
Manny & Nestor appear on the show as ‘Father & Son BFFs’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Manny: At first I didn’t. I never sorted my pieces, now I do in bags and storage containers.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Manny: Yes I do! I have a subway with power function train that runs throughout my city, and I have a rollercoaster castle which is my favorite moc build!
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Manny: I like the LEGO classic system colors, and I also enjoy new color elements that LEGO comes up with every year. I like new colors just because they are new and gives the mind a new way of creating.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Manny: I love Technic pieces a lot and older vintage sets that have rare or hard time find bricks. I like the rarity of elements; it leads to very created and unique building!
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Manny: Minifigure scale! I do builds to house minifigures, so I prefer that scale.

Castillo San Felipe del Morro (1539+), in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Photo: Andrew Shiva, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Manny: Yes! If I had all the pieces one day I want to build El Morro, which is a historic fort in the capital of San Juan Puerto Rico! That and an amazing beach scene!
Corey Samuels
Travis & Corey appear on the show as ‘Brothers Who Brick’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Corey: I sort my LEGO by color, type and size. I use jewelry storage bins to help separate my LEGO. Then I have them labeled so I know where to go for my pieces.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Corey: Yes I have both sets and custom creation on display together. My favorite sets are Speed Champions.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Corey: My favorite LEGO color is 11Pastel BlueMaersk Blue. It’s a color from the 80s and I love how it looks with other colors.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Corey: My favorite LEGO part is ball/joint as you can create warped, complex designs and shapes.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Corey: I love both type of scales. I love large scale for my wearable moc builds. When I’m trying to recreate a scene I use the minifigures scale for more intriguing design.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Corey: I’ve always wanted to make a wearable suit out of LEGO. Blazer, pants, waistcoat, dress shirt, tie and shoes. I’ve always wanted to build that.
You can find Corey Samuels at (also on Instagram @samzbrego, & Twitter @samzbrego.)
Samuel Hatmaker
Samuel & Jessica appear on the show as ‘The Eccentrics’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Samuel: My collection is sorted by size and color. I use 3 metal cabinets with drawers. Plates are sorted more than slopes or bricks, because I use them more often in my portraits.
The cabinet is what got me into LEGO building moc’s. I had still bought sets and built them, but I would take them apart and throw them in big bins. My boyfriend and I were antique shopping and I saw the big cabinet and wanted it. I had no use for it, but I loved it. He said “why don’t you sort all your LEGO into it?” A light bulb went on and I bought it. After months of sorting, the Golden Girls house was my first adult MOC.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Samuel: I have The Monster Hunters Haunted House and the Carousel sets together sitting on top of my larger metal cabinet. Those are the only official sets. The rest are my own models. The Golden Girls House that reached 10K votes on LEGO IDEAS, my Divine figure, and my Avatar the Last Airbender sets. The rest of my creations are packed away in a closet.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Samuel: Light Pink (222Light PurpleBright Pink) is the color I use the most. In portraits, no matter what skin tone they have, pink comes in as a blending color.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Samuel: I love them all in different ways. My sigfig is probably my favorite because through him, I can be in magical worlds. I use Plates most often and they are so versatile, so I respect them. When making 3D models, snot pieces are required.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Samuel: I prefer small intricate models, and many of the playsets I make are meant for minifigures. When I’m making a model of anything else, scale depends on what parts I have, or could reasonably get. I have never made anything as the models on LEGO MASTERS because I never had access to those kinds of parts. I live in a small apartment, so I have no interest in building giant things unless they are going to someone else to display.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Samuel: I have wanted to make Mary Poppins house in the CREATOR Modular Scale. I want it to open like the Monster Hunters Haunted House, and have moving parts, like a way to have Mary sit on the banister and slide up. The rooms detailed like the movie and a space on the roof for a dance scene.
You can find Samuel Hatmaker at (Also a Threadless store, Facebook @samuel.hatmaker, Instagram @samuelhatmaker, & Twitter @SamuelHatmaker1)
Jessica Ewud
Samuel & Jessica appear on the show as ‘The Eccentrics’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Jessica: I use 6 compartment organizers for the bits and large crates for bricks ❤️.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Jessica: I’m a full time professional artist and work with LEGO. My canvas pieces are in a galleries as well as hanging in my home.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Jessica: Hot pink (322Bright PurpleDark Pink) and translucent bricks. I also love [the] metallics.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Jessica: Love the little eyeballs! They are my favorite piece and I stick them on everything to make it quirky.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Jessica: I always like to go big. The bigger the better. I like doing things out of free brick rather than minifig scale.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Jessica: So many things! I would love to do a giant version of my LEGO Lincoln. The current version is 30×40 and is at Rockerfeller Center in NYC.
You can find Jessica Ragzy Ewud at (also on Instagram @ragzyart, Twitter @ragzyart, & Facebook @ragzyart)
Flynn DeMarco & Richard Board
Flynn & Richard appear on the show as the ‘Married Thespians’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Flynn & Richard: We sort by type part first, then if room allows, we break those down into color families. We have a lot of Sterilite boxes of different sizes to store our stuff. And we label everything!
We sort by part type as well as color family, depending on the brick. All 2×n bricks and plates are sorted by color family, or individual color depending on how many we have. Smaller parts and technical parts like corners, profile bricks, are sorted by type in tackle boxes.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Flynn & Richard: We have several sets and MOCS (my own creation) on display. The main ones would be Ninjago City, The Disney Castle, and some modular buildings. 2 pirate ships, And Bag End from LOTR. We also have the theater and werewolf clock that we built on display in our build room.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Richard: I like 321Dark AzurDark Azure (from friends) and 308Dark Brown a lot lately.
Flynn: 151Sand Green! It’s such a fantastic color that can stand in for so many different things. It’s great for landscaping and architecture especially.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Flynn & Richard: We both like the mixels ball hinges a lot.
Flynn: I love anything printed. The printed ship in a bottle from the Monster Fighters haunted House is a favorite! I love finding ways to use them in our MOCS. SNOT pieces are also highly useful!
Richard: I also like rocker hinges. Technic angled lift arms are also a favorite.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Richard: I like building minifig scale because I like the narratives we can create with minifigs. But I also like to add in microscale elements to create forced perspective. I always scale a building based on door size. Bigger doorway = bigger scale build.
Flynn: I prefer minifig scale mainly because Minifigs are terrific storytellers all on their own. I love posing them and making stories with them. I like both large and small models, but I tend toward vignettes and packing them to the gills with detail.

Flynn & Richard displayed “California Dreamin – The Ride” at Bricks by the Bay 2017 (Photos: Flynn & Richard)
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Flynn & Richard: We would love to make a large scale haunted house ride with many animations. We are working on a version of one now, but of course unlimited bricks would make it more grand.
You can find Flynn DeMarco & Richard Board on YouTube at TrickyBricks. (also on Instagram @trickybricks, & Twitter @TrickyBricks)
Kara Fletcher
Jessie & Kara appear on the show as ‘The Higher the Hair, the Closer to God’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Kara: I love to organize my bricks initially all by color. Then I move to special pieces within that color. Then I go to flats, bricks, slopes. After each color is broken down to that detail- I move to uniques pieces where all colors gather according to piece. To me, this is the easiest way to locate any piece at any given time.

Kara’s LEGO room includes display shelves, storage cabinets, and her brick-built Cat in the Hat sculpture. (Photo: Kara Fletcher)
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Kara: Two of my favorite original creations I have built were a life size Cat in the Hat for our school display window and local library. Another favorite was the wildcat head I made for our school replicating our school mascot, Cassville Wildcats. It currently lives in the fifth grade classrooms at school in Cassville.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Kara: My favorite LEGO color is green.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Kara: My favorite pieces are SNOTS…they are the most versatile!
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Kara: I love the BIG scale- can’t really be a big surprise. Most things in my life are “big”…kind of the theory of ‘go big or good home’.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Kara: If I had unlimited bricks and unlimited time, I would love to build a replica of the “Psycho” house. All time favorite movie. I would create the house on the hill and the motel down below. Lighted bricks would be a must for this build , as well as mother and Norman. Alfred Hitchcock was a genius. I do, by the way, have a Bates Motel themed bathroom at my house!
Tyler Clites
Tyler & his wife Amy appear on the show as ‘The Newlyweds’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Tyler: I sort by piece type for most things, however with regular bricks I like to sort them by type and color into tackle boxes.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Tyler: I typically don’t display sets or my own models due to space. However I do have the LEGO Ideas Wall-E set on display which is my favorite set.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Tyler: 322Medium AzurMedium Azure and 191Flame Yellowish OrangeBright Light Orange are my favorites. I love the lighter tone of the colors and they add a beautiful pop to creations.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Tyler: Small ball joints and curved tiles are two of my favorite parts.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Tyler: I typically like to build in a larger scale. I like building characters with lots of expression or poseability which lends itself to a larger scale.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Tyler: I’ve always wanted to do a large scale sculpture. I think doing a character or even a car would be lots of fun.
You can find Tyler Clites at (also on Instagram @tylerbuilds)
Christian Cowgill
Christian & Aaron appear on the show as ‘Superman and Clark Kent’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Christian: Usually by color, some smaller 1×1 elements I’ll have by themselves.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Christian: Yes I have tons of military vehicle models at home along with models of my personal favorite the Jeep Wrangler
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Christian: Earth tones for sure, I love the life they can bring to any build.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Christian: I’m a big fan of the palm tree simply because I love the tropical vibe they give off
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Christian: I always build in mini-figure scale, I’ve never scaled up from there just because of personal preference.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Christian: Funny enough we did exactly that, the big city challenge was something I had always wanted to do as a kid but never had the brick to do so and thanks to Lego Masters I was able too!
Aaron Newman
Christian & Aaron appear on the show as ‘Superman and Clark Kent’.
Brick Architect: How do you organize, sort, and store your LEGO pieces?
Aaron: Generally, I sort by part type, with the more basic elements (slopes, bricks, plates) sorted by color. I use clear storage boxes from the Container Store, plastic baggies, tupperwares, and hardware drawer sets to separate my bricks.
Brick Architect: Do you have any LEGO sets or custom creations on display in your home? What are some of your favorite models?
Aaron: A few! We live in a little apartment, so there’s not room for much display, but I do have one or two favorite dragons in display cases or perched atop my parts shelves. A lot of my other cherished models (at least, the smaller ones) are kept stored, partially disassembled, in plastic baggies in the closet if I ever need them for display.
Brick Architect: What is your favorite LEGO color / colors?
Aaron: Oh, gosh… Lately, I really love 5Brick YellowTan and find myself running out of it. However, also got a ton of love for all the pastel hues in Friends and DOTS sets. I’m excited to one day find a great use for them.
Brick Architect: What are some of your favorite LEGO parts?
Aaron: I go through so many brackets, SNOT bricks, and plates with clips. They’re foundational to my style of building.
Brick Architect: How does Scale factor into the LEGO models you like to build?
Aaron: I’ve built in all sorts of scales, from lifesize to micro, but usually my models are on the small and intricate side of the equation. Even if I’m building in macro-scale, I tend not to go huge in terms of dimensions very often.
Brick Architect: What have you’ve always wanted to build out of LEGO if you had infinite bricks and infinite time?
Aaron: Ultimate castle versus ultimate dragon!
You can find Aaron Newman at (also on Instagram @aaronbrickdesigner)