The new Fiat 500 gives us 40 new parts in a previously rare color.
While I keep meaning to update my 2018 article Hard-to-Find LEGO Colors (and what to do about it), it clearly indicated that 226Cool YellowBright Light Yellow was a “rare” color since it was only available in 8 of the 24 parts used in my analysis. (While I didn’t update the article in 2019, you would have found that it was up to 14/24 parts, nearly entering the “uncommon” category.)
Suffice to say, the newly released Creator Expert #10271 Fiat 500 set has put the previously rare color on the map, since it is used as the color for the car’s brick-built exterior.

#10271 Fiat 500 includes a ton of new and useful parts in the rare Cool Yellow color.
The set incudes 40 parts which are new for 2020 in the 226Cool YellowBright Light Yellow color. Among those new parts are 13x 1×3 Plate (Part 3623), 5x 2×4 Plate (Part 3020), 3x 1×4 Tile (Part 2431), & 9x 1×8 Tile (Part 4162). This brings it up to 18/24 parts, putting it well within the “uncommon” category, and on track to become a common color soon.
The Fiat 500 costs $89.99 (€79.99 / £74.99) for 960 pieces (or a cool $0.09 per part.)